The Project as of Dec 7

As of now the game is somewhat of a skeleton.  The only pieces of the game that are there as I'm writing this is the movement, the HP bar, some of the sprites, and coyote time which I felt was a must after playing around with the controls.  Unfortunately however, the plugin I used, Platformer Plus, is still slightly out-of-date but that is just a minor gripe.

Photo of project

A photo of the Game World tab on GBStudio as a demonstration of the "Test Screen" used to test movement

For the demo I plan to make a 5-level world map based on those in Super Mario Bros. 3 which includes the "dungeon level" or "boss level" whatever you wish to call it.  There also might not be a save option because it's only one world.  Anyways, hope to get the demo out on time.

Get Ange Lache 2 Demo

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